Abstract:In order to provide users with data information (such as meat processing quality) and promote the better development of meat processing industry, based on Client/Server (C/S) architecture and MySQL database, the author used C# language as the main system language, adopted the separation technology of front and back end, and used Ubuntu Linux platform for microservice architecture deployment. The meat processing information management system was designed and established to realize the storage and visualization of all kinds of data information in meat processing. The function module of this information management system was set as the system management, data upload and addition, quick query and thematic analysis, which can realize the rapid, accurate and extended search of various quality indexes of meat processing, to obtain the quality difference between a meat sample and the control group under 8 processing methods. This information management system is simple to operate, has strong universality, and is conducive to the scientific research of processed meat, as well as nutrition safety and quality control. It provides users with data assurance for the safe processing of meat.